Scotland Live Media (SLM) work closely with private and corporate clients in Scotland and the rest of the UK. We provide stock footage/images and photo/videography for news, local affairs, events etc to clients for various uses and purposes.
Stock footage and images are available in several categories and we work with our clients to help them find the exact match for their project or news item.
Images and video can be tailored to exact requirements and news stories are regularly covered (without narrative or editorial content) by our photographers for use in local and national press and news items.
Scotland Live Media do NOT produce or create editorial content or news stories - we simply supply images and footage for other outlets to utilise. SLM do not advertise for clients and our name is never used in or linked to any news item/report. SLM operate with a limited number of long term clients whose identity we keep closely guarded.
If you wish to join our VIP client list please contact us at: